Are you a visitor?

A visitor is a person who is willing to get involved with the visited location and to discover local cultural activities thanks to the assistance of a Local.

How It Works for Visitors

Find Locals

Check out activities suggested by locals


If you can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask!


Reserve your culture card knowing exactly what to expect

“Book a Culture Card through Searching”


Search by “Country” or “City” You Want to Travel

You can find cultural experiences offered by locals in their area.


Search Culture Cards Suggested by Locals

You can check the details of a Culture Card (Descriptions, photos, reviews etc.) through search filters.


Book your Culture Card

After checking the details of a Culture Card, book local’s Culture Card. Payment is processed with Paypal. Once the payment is complete, booking confirmation including information about the Culture Card and the local will be sent to your email address.


Review Your Experience and Local

Once the Experience is over, you will be asked by email to review the experience and local. It is essential that you share your opinion with the other members of AskCulture!

“Request Cultural Experiences through Creating Ask Card”


Register Ask Card

You can create your own Ask Card by registering Culture Cards. Request cultural experiences you wish to have through Ask Card. It includes the details of the cultural experiences like date and descriptions.


Select Locals

You can accept local’s suggestion through your Ask Card. When you have any questions to select the Culture Card, let’s inquire of locals by posting comments.


Book your Culture Card

After checking the details of a Culture Card, book local’s Culture Card. Payment is processed with Paypal. Once the payment is complete, booking confirmation including information about the Culture Card and the local will be sent to your email address.


Review your Experience and Local

Once the Experience is over, you will be asked by email to review the experience and local. It is essential that you share your opinion with the other members of AskCulture!

Are you a local?

A local is a local person who can earn joy and profit together by sharing his/her local culture with visitors. For that, local would suggest and promote his/her distinctive cultures to visitors.

How It Works for Visitors

View requests

Check out what culture cards are being asked for in your area


Suggest culture cards you can offer to visitors

Confirm Bookings

Arrange the time & place and then have fun with your new friend!

“Suggest Cultural experiences by searching Ask Card”


Search by “Country” or “City” You Live

Look up cultural experiences requested by visitors based on your area.


Search Ask Cards Requested by Visitors

You can check the details of Ask Cards (Descriptions, Photos etc) and what visitors want to experience through search filters.


Suggest Custom-fit Card

Once you select Ask Card you want, you can suggest Custom-fit Card to visitors based on their requests. Custom-fit Card is one-time use and invisible to other users.


Booking and Payment

Once the Experience is over, you will be asked by email to review the experience and local. It is essential that you share your opinion with the other members of AskCulture!


Review a Visitor

Once the Experience is over, you will be asked by email to review the visitor. It is essential that you share your opinion with the other members of AskCulture!

“Suggest Cultural Experiences by Registering Culture Card”


Register Suggest Card

Through Suggest Card, you can suggest cultural experiences to visitors and enjoy activities with them. Make your own Suggest Card including descriptions, date and price.


Booking and Payment

After a visitor books a Suggest Card, Payment will be processed with PayPal. Once the payment is complete, booking confirmation including information about the Culture Card and the local will be sent to your email address.


Review a Visitor

Once the Experience is over, you will be asked by email to review the visitor. It is essential that you share your opinion with the other members of AskCulture!